Why Choose Organic Non GMO Vitamins

By Olivia Cross

The dietary supplement industry has exploded in recent years. More and more people are using supplements to maintain or restore health, to stave off the on-set of old age, and as a first response to illness. Even medical doctors are suggesting the use of supplements to their patients. However, as more mainstream and internet companies enter the field, inferior products have flooded the market. Choosing organic non GMO vitamins can help assure getting quality supplements. High-quality dietary aids will be worth the money they cost and provide the health enhancing help consumers want and need.

An organic certification tells the consumer that the ingredients come from pure foods. In other words, none will be made in a laboratory or from foods grown by conventional means, which may include herbicides, pesticides, or other chemicals. Vitamin C, for example, can be derived from citrus fruits or other plants, or it can be made in a laboratory as ascorbic acid, which some feel is not as effective. No ingredient in an organic formula can be synthetic or artificial. Although synthetic vitamins may look the same under a microscope, they have not performed as well as natural substances in clinical trials.

The organic label precludes the use of genetically modified foods in the formula. However, most manufacturers also proudly display the information that their formula is GMO-free. Look for the industry symbol or a written statement on the label that assures none of these artificial ingredients are in the product.

It used to be that a 'natural' or 'all-natural' designation was enough, but today genetically-modified organisms, as well as other questionable ingredients, are allowed in this category of foods and supplements. Many products with 'natural' in the name or description contain traces of petroleum and other chemicals in artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

The safety of genetically modified foods has not been established. Although people and animals won't die from eating them, researchers fear that long-term use may cause problems and endanger the health of future generations. The results of early studies are causing concern among many health experts.

This happened with systemic pesticides and bees. Although bees can take nectar from treated plants with no apparent ill effects, their grand-children - the third generation - dies out in what is called the 'empty hive' catastrophe. Places like France that had seen a drastic decline in the bee population have banned the use of this sort of pesticide and seen a resurgence of these beneficial insects.

People who value truly natural products can help protect the industry by refusing to spend money on inferior imitations and formulas that cut corners on quality. Choosing organically-certified and GMO-free products protects their health while sending the message that consumers want the best supplements they can get. This support can also help reputable manufacturers keep their prices down.

Research and customer satisfaction ratings both testify that adding vitamins to the diet in supplement form can have significant health benefits. Since the mass-produced food that most of us depend on has lower nutritional value than organically and locally grown foods, using targeted nutritional supplements is important for people of all ages. Studies have shown that those who take a daily multivitamin are healthier, live longer, and have a better quality of life.

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