One Nutrient You Need to Consider

By Carlo Nelson

It only takes a short time to hear something new about the damage of free radicals and why antioxidants are extremely important. There are several vitamins that have antioxidant benefits. Vitamins E, A, and C are three examples. Orange, is one well-known source of Vitamin C. The most recent and probably the most powerful discovery is a substance known as astaxanthin. There are several reasons why this is probably the most powerful antioxidant available.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid. This nutrient is responsible for the pink color in flamingos. Oceanic micro algae produce this substance. Some sea creatures obtain astaxanthin from micro algae. Others eat smaller fish that have this nutrient. However, it is hard for a individual to consume enough fish to acquire a useful amount of this nutrient. The benefits of astaxanthin to humans is gained by regular supplementation.

This has been proven to be the most robust antioxidant in the carotenoid family. Vitamins A, E, and C don't even come close to the power of Astaxanthin. Damage from o2 exposure is restricted as well.

Now you understand why if you are going to take only one antioxidant, astaxanthin should be it. So if you start taken something this powerful today, imagine the benefits 10 years from now when your colleagues are dealing with the ravaging effects of inflammation and disease. Do your research about this super-nutrient and see if it is something you should include as part of your daily routine. Several varieties of astaxanthin are available in stores and on the internet. Try it out.

It is fat soluble, therefore it needs to be taken with food containing fat. Both the brain and the eyes are penetrated through this highly effective nutritional supplement. Vision and brain health are protected subsequently. With the increase in Alzheimer's disease and the increase of seniors moving into the age of retirement, this nutrient is the necessity of the day.

It not only helps the brain and the eyes, but the skin as well. It is important to not only rely on external protection from the sun, but also to fortify your body on the inside to counter the damage.

Don't take man-made astaxanthin. It is always best to get the natural form whenever possible. Some scientific study has compared the antioxidant strength of natural astaxanthin and the synthetic form. The natural form is twenty times the antioxidant strength of the synthetic.

The staying power of astaxanthin in the body is much longer than other antioxidants. This means that you are still getting the benefits, even if you forgot to supplement. Daily consumption, however, is important since you want to fill your cells over time as part of a everyday program.

Without a doubt, Astaxanthin will be the talk of many researchers and doctors in the medical world for the years to come. It packs a powerful punch. There is also one other powerful use -- anti-inflammatory solution. This is one nutrient that gives you biggest value for your money.

Do yourself a favor and study more on the health benefits of Astaxanthin. Pass this information along to your friends.

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