Chicago Insomnia Grayslake Sleep Medicine Center

By Mark Marabut

There are two types of insomnia: short-term and chronic. Short-term is usually for a moment or only lasts a few days, not even a month. But chronic can last a lifetime. At the Chicago insomnia center these things will be discussed and gone over with you.

The first step is getting rid of some of the common denominators that might have someone lose sleep throughout the night and become fatigued during the day. Some of the things that are normal for experiencing lack of sleep during the night are poor quality sleep, difficulty staying or getting to sleep, and waking up too early in the morning.

But insomnia also affects someone during the day as well. This causes one to feel very tired during the day and messes up your hormones so may experience depression. You also lose your concentration and have a dispersed attention.

Short-term insomnia is fairly common in those people who are going through menopause, or before a final, even long before a wedding day or event, or even a month or so before traveling one might find it hard to get a good night's rest.

Before taking any drastic measures or losing sleep over worrying about if you actually have insomnia, you always try to do things that might help you fall asleep. For example, not drinking liquids with caffeine, or watching too much TV.

At the center these things will be affirmed or excluded, based on your sleeping profile. The good part is that they do it without the use of pills. So you can maintain and keep your dream sleep pattern for the rest of your nights. This way you do not become addicted to anything other than a great night's sleep.

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